Embarking on a journey to explore the world's diverse landscapes often leads us to picturesque coastlines and sandy shores. However, there is a unique charm to be found in countries that defy the conventional notion of beachside bliss. Read on to learn more about these landlocked nations and discover the hidden wonders that lie beyond the waves. From majestic mountains to sprawling deserts, these countries offer a different kind of beauty, captivating travelers with their enchanting landscapes and cultural treasures. Get ready to explore the allure of countries without beaches and uncover the extraordinary experiences that await.
Vatican City
Not the first country you might think but that might be because it is the smallest. Surrounded by Italy, it has no direct access to the coast so it might not be a surprise to hear that it has no beaches. There aren't even any public swimming pools.
Read more...San Marino
Like Vatican City, San Marino is encircled by Italy. Even thought it is 124 times the size of Vatican City, it is still not big enough to have any beaches.
Read more...Zimbabwe
Although we don't have any beaches in our database for Zimbabwe we do think that there might be a few. That's because Zimbabwe is the home of the world's largest reservoir (by volume). Lake Kariba is located on the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Read more...Afghanistan
Not on many peoples shortlist for holiday destinations due to recent instability. Afghanistan is 450 kilometers from the Arabian Sea.
Read more...Andorra
Depending on your definition of a beach you might include Andorra in this list. We only know of a single beach in Andorra Nestled in the mountains between France and Spain, it is completely isolated from the sea, however there are a number of small lakes where you might be able to find some other locations with areas that resemble a beach.